RetroFit Group CE16777G01
For use on FD120 controllers manufactured BEFORE June 2015
Due to the availability of components, the original Diesel Plus display board (4A55765H11), I/O board (4A55765H02), and engine board (4A55765H03) are obsolete. Other components for the series, such as the battery chargers and transducer, are still available. If any of the above parts on an existing FD120 has failed, Eaton will have a retrofit parts group that can be purchased to keep the existing installation. The new parts group (CE16777G01) will contain all parts required for the conversion.
Retrofit Group CE16777G01 Includes:
4A55765H24 - Main Display Board
4A55765H22 - Engine Board
4A55765H23 - I/O Board
CE16230H01 – Engine Board Stand
CE16196H01 – Membrane
CE16231H01 – Membrane Plate
Please note, we also have replacement FD120 controllers in stock and ready to ship